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ANNOUNCE: IWSM July 2005 Sydney

     Sydney, Australia: Sunday 10 to Friday 15 July, 2005
              Pre-workshop tutorial: Sunday 10 July

                         20TH IWSM


 The International Workshop on Statistical Modelling is an annual
 conference organised by the Statistical Modelling Society. The
 workshop concentrates on the various aspects of statistical
 modelling, including theoretical developments, applications and
 computational methods. Papers motivated by real practical
 problems are encouraged, but theoretical contributions
 addressing problems of practical importance or related to
 software developments are also welcome. See
 http://www.statmod.org for more about the history and philosophy
 of the workshops. The 20th IWSM will be the first to be held in
 the southern hemisphere.

 The scientific programme is characterised by having invited
 lectures and a pre-workshop tutorial, contributed papers,
 posters and software demonstrations. Contributed papers should
 be suitable for a 20 minute oral presentation or a poster and
 focus on motivation, statement of key results and conclusions,
 and emphasise examples, wherever possible.

 For this workshop, submissions are especially encouraged in the
 following areas: statistical genomics, gene expression,
 environment and climate change, large or complex data sets,
 modern Bayesian methods, mixed effects models and interval-
 censored data. More generally papers are encouraged which
 illustrate statistical responses to modern issues, such as the
 genomics revolution or environmental climate change, or which
 illustrate how modern problems involving large and complex
 datasets are changing the face of statistics.

 The Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute Symposium,
 "Recent Advances in Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Markov
 Chain Monte Carlo", will be scheduled immediately before the
 IWSM at a nearby venue in Sydney, see
 http://web.maths.unsw.edu.au/~scott/symposium .


 A programme of five plenary speakers is planned emphasising the
 conference themes. Confirmed speakers include Noel Cressie (Ohio
 State University), Simon Tavaré (Cambridge University and
 University of Southern California) and Matt Wand (University of
 New South Wales). A one-day short course on "Mixed Models" will
 be given by Brian Cullis, Alison Smith and Ari Verbyla on the
 Sunday before the start of the conference proper.


 Students are encouraged to attend the workshop. The programme is
 designed to allow for discussions and interchange between junior
 and senior scientists. Awards will be given for best student
 talk and for best student poster.


 To maintain the focus of the conference and to promote
 interaction between all delegates, all talks will be the
 presented in the same lecture hall. There will be no parallel

 Papers should be submitted as extended abstracts of 3-4 pages
 and should indicate whether they are to be presented orally or
 as a poster. All submitted abstracts will be refereed by the
 Scientific Committee. Due to the limited number of oral
 presentations, some authors who have submitted an abstract for
 oral presentation may be asked to prepare a poster presentation
 instead. There will be dedicated poster sessions to ensure that
 the posters get plenty of attention and to give presenters full
 opportunity to interact with conference attendees.

 Abstracts (3-4 pages) should be submitted no later than January
 31, 2005. Notification of acceptance will be mailed by March 14,
 2005. (Early confirmation of acceptance is available by special
 request.) All authors will be given the opportunity to
 contribute full papers which will be refereed and printed in a
 proceedings volume that will be ready at the beginning of the
 conference. The final manuscript (up to 8 pages) ready for
 reproduction should reach the organizers by April 15, 2005. The
 workshop language is English.


 The workshop will feature a full social programme including a
 welcome, excursion and conference dinner.


 Murray Aitkin (Melbourne, Australia), Melanie Bahlo (Melbourne,
 Australia), Brian Cullis (Wagga Wagga, Australia), Paul Eilers
 (Leiden, The Netherlands), John Hinde (Galway, Ireland), Herwig
 Friedl (Graz, Austria), Irene Hudson (Christchurch, New
 Zealand), Emmanuel Lesaffre (Leuven, Belgium), Kenan Matawie
 (Sydney, Australia), Meei Ng (Melbourne, Australia), David Nott
 (Sydney, Australia), Alicia Oshlack (Melbourne, Australia),
 Gordon Smyth (Melbourne, Australia, Chair), Bill Venables
 (Brisbane, Australia), Ari Verbyla (Adelaide, Australia)


 Carmel Coady (Sydney, Australia), Peter Dunn (Queensland,
 Australia), Andrew Francis (Sydney, Australia), Richard Gerlach
 (Newcastle, Australia), Ravi Jaganathan (Sydney, Australia),
 Kenan Matawie (Sydney, Australia, Chair), Robert Mellor (Sydney,
 Australia), Shelton Peiris (Sydney, Australia), Marco Reale
 (Christchurch, New Zealand), Gordon Smyth (Melbourne, Australia)


 Swiss-Grand Resort and Spa. The hotel is on Bondi Beach in


 Details about registration for the workshop, instructions for
 authors and further information will be available from the
 workshop homepage http://www.uws.edu.au/iwsm2005/


 January 31, 2005: Submission of abstracts (3-4 pages)
 March 14, 2005: Notification of acceptance
 March 31, 2005: Last day for early registration
 April 15, 2005: Submission of final manuscripts

 Please note: hotel reservations made after 31 March 2005 cannot
 be guaranteed.


 Dr Kenan Matawie
 Senior Lecturer,
 School of Quantitative Methods
 and Mathematical Sciences,
 University of Western Sydney
 Locked Bag 1797, Penrith South
 DC NSW 1797, Australia
 Tel: +61-2-96859460
 Fax: +61-2-96859339
 e-mail: k.matawie@uws.edu.au

 Dr Gordon Smyth
 Senior Research Scientist,
 Bioinformatics, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
 of  Medical Research,
 1G Royal Parade, Parkville,
 Vic 3050, Australia
 Fax +61-3- 93470852
 e-mail: smyth@wehi.edu.au

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