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Workshop settembe a Pisa SSDA at ECML/PKDD04

Dear SIS members
I am glad to announce you the following CALL for Paper of SSDA at

Antonio Irpino  

CALL for  Papers:


                  SSDA at ECML/PKDD04


 Workshop on Symbolic and Spatial Data Analysis : Mining Complex Data

SEPTEMBER 20, 2004

PISA  Italia

 Workshop web site:


 Conference web site:



 - Submission deadline: June 14, 2004

 - Notification of acceptance: July 5, 2004

 - Camera-ready copies due: July 12, 2004

 Monique Noirhomme-Fraiture (Institut d'Informatique, Namur - Belgique)

 Paula Brito (Faculdade de Economia, University of Porto)

 The main goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from
 different communities such as machine learning, data analysis, symbolic
 data analysis and data mining to promote discussion and the development of
 new ideas and methods to deal with complex structured data.

 The workshop is intented to be a highly communicative meeting place for
 researchers working on similar topics, but coming from different
 communities. In order to achieve these goals, the workshop will consist of
 invited talks, short presentations and discussions. Depending on the
number of attendees, participants may be asked to present themselves, and
state their research interests.
 Depending on the submitted papers, sessions will be organized by topics.
At the end of each session, a discussion of the presented papers will take

 The workshop will aim at a balance between theoretical issues and
 descriptions of case studies. Topics of interest include but are not
 limited to:

 - Classification with Structured Data
 - Complex Data Analysis
 - Data Summarizing and Data Mining
 - Mining Aggregated Data
 - Spatial Data Analysis
 - Symbolic Data Analysis
 - Visualization of Complex Data

 There is an increasing need to extend standard exploratory, statistical
 graphical data analysis methods to the case of more complex data, that go
 beyond the classical framework. This is the case of data concerning more
 less homogeneous classes or groups of individuals (second-order objects or
 macro-data), instead of single individuals (first-order objects or micro
 data). The extension of classical data analysis techniques to the analysis
 of second-order objects is one of the main goals of a novel research field
 names "symbolic data analysis".
 Symbolic data extend the classical tabular model, allowing multiple,
 possibly weighted, values for each descriptive attribute which allow
 representing variability and/or uncertainty present in the data. Symbolic
 Data Analysis methods include univarite descriptive methods, clustering,
 decision-tree, dicrimination, regression and factorial analysis
 which allow analysing symbolic data tables.
 Symbolic data occur in many situations, for instance in summarising huge
 sets of data or in describing the underlying concepts (a town, a
 socio-demographic group, a scenario of accidents) of a database. It also
 finds an important application field in official statistics; since by law,
 NSI's are prohibited from releasing individual responses to any other
 government agency or to any individual or business, data are aggregated
 reasons of privacy before being distributed to external agencies and
 institutes. Symbolic Data Analysis provides useful tools to analyse such
 aggregated data.
 Symbolic Data Analysis underwent great improvement with the European
 projects "Symbolic Data Analysis Systems (SODAS)" and "Analysis System for
 Symbolic Official Data (ASSO)"; as the result of these projects a software
 package SODAS has been developed.

 With the exponentially growing use of geographic information systems (GIS)
 to store, manipulate and visualize geocoded information, it is
 important to understand the particular nature of geographic data and the
 specialized techniques required for its analysis.
 There is increasing interest in studying how techniques for the analysis
 spatial data can be effectively applied in a GIS environment, such as the
 study of spatial patterns and spatial autocorrelation, detection of
 clusters, outliers and any other relationships that pertain to the
 and relative location of observations.
 Common applications of spatial data analysis techniques in the social
 sciences range from the discovery of crime clusters, hot spots and the
 detection of disease clusters, to spatial autocorrelations of demographic
 variables and regression models for real estate analysis. Other
 applications concernpublic health services searching for explanations of
 disease clusters, environmental agencies assessing the impact of changing
 land use patterns on climate change, geo-marketing companies doing
 segmentation based on spatial location, etc.
 For supporting this type of analysis, most contemporary GIS have only very
 basic spatial analysis functionalities; many are confined to analysis that
 involves descriptive statistical displays, such as histograms or pie
 charts. Data mining, which is the partially automated search for hidden
 patterns in large databases, offers great potential benefits for the
 applied GIS based decision making that takes place in public and private
 sector organizations.

 An up-to-date field of research
 Mining complex data structures is an up-to-date subject: research in the
 related areas is developing rapidly, as shown by a great number of
 contributions recently published on journals and success of workshops
 organized on those topics. Moreover, several recent international
projects, financed by the European Union, have been devoted to the analysis
 structured data. In this context, mention should be made to "ASSO -
 Analysis System for Symbolic Official Data" and "SPIN - Spatial Mining for
 Data of Public Interest".


 See Also our WEB SITE  http://www.info.fundp.ac.be/ssda-pkdd04/

 Submission Procedure
 Authors are invited to submit original research contributions or
 reports in English. Submitted papers must be unpublished and substantially
 different from papers under review. Papers that have been or will be
 presented at small workshops/symposia whose proceedings are available only
 to the attendees may be submitted.
 Papers should be double-spaced and no longer than 5000 words (about 12
 single-spaced pages). Papers should be sent electronically (postscript or
 pdf) not later than June 14, 2004 .
 Papers will be selected on the basis of review of full paper
 Notification of acceptance will be given by July 5, 2004 . Final
 camera-ready copies of accepted papers will be due by July 12, 2004 . The
 proceedings will be printed by the ECML/PKDD organizers and distributed at
 the workshop. A web-publication of the proceedings is expected after the
 conference. It is intended to publish a selection of papers as a special
 number of an international journal.

 Style Guide
 There is a joint paper style for the proceedings of all ECML/PKDD
 workshops. Submitted papers should be formatted according to the
 Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence guidelines.
 Authors' instructions and style files can be downloaded from

 Annalisa Appice               University of Bari, Italy
 Patrice Bertrand               ENST Brest , France
 Lynne Billard                     University of Georgia, USA
 Gilles Bisson                    IMAG, France
 Hans-Hermann Bock      Institute for Statistics RWTH Aachen , Germany
 Carmen Bravo                  Univ. Complutense de Madrid , Spain
 Marie Chavent                   Université de Bordeaux , France
 Francisco De Carvalho    Univ. Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
 Edwin Diday                       Université Paris-IX Dauphine , France
 K. Chidananda Gowda    University of Mysore , India
 Georges Hebrail               ENST, Paris , France
 Manabu Ichino                  Tokyo Denki Unversity, Japan
 Yves Lechevallier              INRIA, France
 Michèle Sebag                   Université Paris XI Orsay, France
 Petko Valtchev                    University of Montreal , Canada
 Rosanna Verde                  University of Naples II, Italy




 Paula Brito

 Faculdade de Economia, University of Porto

 Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-464 Porto, PORTUGAL

 Tel : (+351) 225571233; Fax : (+351) 225505050

 e-mail: mpbrito@fep.up.pt

 Monique Noirhomme-Fraiture

 Institut d'Informatique

 Facultés Universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix

 Rue Grandgagnage, 21, B-5000 Namur , BELGIUM

 Tel : (+32) 81724979; Fax : (+32) 81724967

 e-mail: monique.noirhomme@info.fundp.ac.be

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