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seminario presso CNR-IMATI, Milano

Il giorno 6 maggio 2004, alle h 14.30, si terra' presso il CNR-IMATI,
sezione di Milano, Via Bassini, 15, Milano, in aula convegni (piano
terra), il seminario

        		Towards Distributed Bayesian Decision Making

                    Miroslav KARNY and Tatiana Valentine GUY

                         Adaptive Systems Department
	       Institute of Information Theory and Automation
	      Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague.


AS department tries to develop theory and applicable algorithms of
distributed dynamic decision making. The seminar will discuss topics
related to this problem. Specifically,
1) possible scenarios of cooperation of the involved participants will
be categorized;
2) relatively complete sequence of subtasks solved by respective
participants will be described;
3) a way of coping with asynchronous acting and measuring will be outlined.

Antonella Bodini                 e-mail:  anto@mi.imati.cnr.it
CNR-IMATI (ex IAMI)              tel.  : ++39.02.23699524
via Bassini, 15                  fax   : ++39.02.23699538
20133 Milano (ITALIA)

web page: www.mi.imati.cnr.it
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