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Materials by Schools collaborating with CIRDIS

In this section you will find materials produced by schools participating in CIRDIS initiatives.

Statistics and its applications
Mirko Daniele Comparetti, a student before graduation of the Liceo Tecnologico Guglielmo Marconi in Gorgonzola (Milan), sent to us his work prepared for the final graduation exam. In the report, he studied several applications of statistics regarding physics, biological  and chemical sciences and matematics. Moreover he talked about the historical changes in the beginning of the Ninetieth Century: the crisis of classical physics, and so that of determinism and the following origin of modern physics that uses a probabilistic approaches.

The work contains the source code of a program (realized in C++) simulating the probabilistic model on which the quincunx is based. 
Download the paper  (file pdf .zip 584KB In Italian - Chapter 6 about Atomic Models in English)
Download the program (file exe .zip 43KB)

Materials regarding the "How are we now?" school survey
Liliana Berliocchi of ITIS in Cittą di Castello has joint to the CIRDIS school survey "How are we now?" and she sent us the anthropometric data gained in her class that enriched the dataset Alessi (see the section of the survey). Her students studied statistics with their own data and they realized the following hypertext: download the Power Point file (In Italian - 753KB). 

Vittorio Colagrande, teacher in the Scientific High School of Lanciano (CH) sent us a document (La_statistica_a_scuola.zip) and an Excel workbook with some data processing (Elabor_Liceo_Lanciano.zip) produced by his students.

Materials regarding the "Aspects of Everyday Life" survey
The ITIS "Franchetti" of Cittą di Castello put at CIRDIS' disposal materials about the "Experimenting new teaching strategies for learning statistics" project (see the section Learning/teaching statistics with real data):

  1. Calculus Lab - 2003/2004 school year. It's a Power Point presentation with the job of two third-year classes about descriptive statistics: download zip file (in Italian - 513 KB; containing three files: itis_castello_calcolo.ppt, cruciverbafine.xls, test.xls).
  2. Calculus and statistics: results presentation - 2001/2002 school year. Download zip file (in Italian - 1,7M; containing three files: itis_castello_2002.pps, questionario3aparte1.doc, Questionario3aparte2.doc)

Special thanks to the teachers for putting at disposal of CIRDIS the materials.

©2004 The materials are permited to be used and reproduced only for didactical purposes and not for commercial purposes, mentioning the origin, the authors and contributors.

Head Office: Department of Statistics - University of Perugia Via A. Pascoli C.P. 1315 succ. 1 - 06123 Perugia Tel.: 075 585 5242 Fax: 075 585 5950 
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» University of Padua
» University of Palermo
» University of Perugia
» University of Rome "La Sapienza"
© CIRDIS materials are permited to be used and reproduced only for didactical purposes and not for commercial purposes, mentioning the origin, the authors and contributors.
For further information: cirdis (at) stat.unipg.it
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