[Forum SIS] Seminario Riccardo Rastelli - 8 Giugno ore 14:00

Ilaria Prosdocimi prosdocimi.ilaria a gmail.com
Ven 4 Giu 2021 08:55:00 CEST

Cari colleghi e colleghe,

Con grande piacere, vi segnalo il prossimo (e ultimo per questo semestre)
seminario del gruppo Statistica al DAIS, Ca' Foscari:

Data: 8 giugno, ore 14:00-15:00
Relatore: Riccardo Rastelli (University College Dublin)
Titolo: A time-continuous extension of the latent position network model
for instantaneous interactions

Il seminario si potrà seguire tramite la piattaforma Zoom:
Meeting ID: 827 7637 7762 - Passcode: SanMarco1

Abstract: We create a framework to analyse the timing and frequency of
instantaneous interactions between pairs of entities. This type of
interaction data is especially common nowadays, and easy to collect.
Examples include email networks, phone call networks, proximity networks.
The framework relies on a latent position network model: the entities are
embedded in a latent Euclidean space, and they move along individual
trajectories that are continuous over time. These trajectories are used to
characterise the timing and frequency of the pairwise interactions. We
discuss an inferential framework where we estimate the trajectories from
the observed interaction data, and propose applications on artificial and
real data.

Everybody is welcome to join.

Cordiali saluti

Ilaria Prosdocimi
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