[Forum SIS] Ph.D. position on copula theory at TU Eindhoven (NL)

Elisa Perrone elisa.perrone.info a gmail.com
Ven 4 Giu 2021 10:12:08 CEST

Dear Everyone, 

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of TU Eindhoven (Netherlands) has an open Ph.D. position in Statistics. We are looking for a motivated candidate with a solid theoretical background in Probability/Statistics to join our group and conduct research in the area of dependence modeling and copulas under my supervision. 

Salary Range:  EUR 2395 to EUR 3061 gross per month
Duration: 4 year
Application deadline: July 11, 2021
Job description and how to apply: https://jobs.tue.nl/en/vacancy/phd-on-positive-dependence-and-copulas-879807.html <https://jobs.tue.nl/en/vacancy/phd-on-positive-dependence-and-copulas-879807.html>

Please forward this email to any potential candidate, and reach out to me at e.perrone a tue.nl <mailto:e.perrone a tue.nl> for further information on the position.

Thanks and best regards,
Elisa Perrone

Elisa Perrone, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor 
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Eindhoven University of Technology
elisaperrone.info <http://elisaperrone.info/>

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