[Forum SIS] ISBIS 2020 Conference: call for invited session proposals as well as for contributed papers and posters

Fabrizio Ruggeri fabrizio a mi.imati.cnr.it
Lun 20 Gen 2020 07:25:45 CET

Segnalo il congresso biennale di ISBIS (International Society for
Business and Industrial Statistics, http://www.isbis-isi.org/), una
delle sette associazioni dell'ISI (International Statistical Institute).

Cordiali saluti

Fabrizio Ruggeri
Presidente ISBIS
Dear colleagues and friends,

The ISBIS 2020 Conference will take place on July 28-30 2020 at Brock University, St Catharines, Canada.

The ISBIS Conferences bring together researchers and practitioners from across the world that use statistics in a business or industrial context. The aim of the conference is to review recent advancements in methodology and to present best practices and innovative applications. ISBIS conferences encourage the communication among researchers and practitioners to enable and ensure the development and widespread use of novel insights and methodology.

The conference program includes 4 keynote presentations and 2 half day courses which are all listed below.  The program also includes invited and contributed sessions, with an exciting half-day excursion to Niagara Falls included in the conference fee. We hereby invite submissions for invited, contributed and poster sessions via the website brocku.ca/isbis2020. Until March 1, participants can submit invited session proposals which consist of several (typically 3) presentations on a related topic. The submission should include the title, a brief description of the topic, and the speakers in that session (which can include the organizer of the session). Next to these invited session proposals, you may submit a title and abstract for a contributed paper or poster until March 1.

Keynote speakers:

*                     Stefan Steiner (University of Waterloo): Improving the Performance of Hospital Trauma Centers

*                     Julie Beckley-Novak (Netflix): Large-Scale Experimentation for Improving the Netflix Streaming Service

*                     Bonnie Ray (Chartbeat):  A Data Scientist reads the news.

*                     Bianca Maria Colosimo (Politecnico di Milano):  Images and 3D point clouds: modelling and monitoring with applications to Advanced Manufacturing
Short courses:

*                     Rafal Kulik (University of Ottawa): short course on Financial Statistics

*                     Vadim Sokolov (George Mason University): short course on Deep Learning
Important dates:

*                    March 1, 2020: deadline for submission of invited session proposals (information on organizer, topic and the names of 3 speakers)

*                    March 1, 2020: deadline for submission of contributed papers and posters (title and abstract)

*                    March 15, 2020: notification of acceptance of invited session proposals

*                    April 1, 2020: notification of acceptance of contributed papers and posters

*                    April 1, 2020: deadline for submission of title and abstract of invited session papers

*                    April 30, 2020: end of early bird registration fees

Further information can be found on the conference website brocku.ca/isbis2020.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Canada in July!

Best regards,
Martina Vandebroek and Ejaz Ahmed
On behalf of the Scientific Program Committee and the Local Organizing Committee

Fabrizio Ruggeri                    fabrizio AT mi.imati.cnr.it
CNR IMATI                           tel +39 0223699532
Via Bassini 15                      fax +39 0223699538
I-20133 Milano (Italy)              web.mi.imati.cnr.it/fabrizio

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