[Forum SIS] PhD studentship in likelihood-free Bayesian inference and deep learning, Gothenburg

Umberto Picchini umberto.picchini a gmail.com
Dom 19 Gen 2020 14:36:36 CET

Are you looking for a PhD project in Bayesian inference?

Are you interested in the opportunities offered by deep neuronal 
networks for AI?

A PhD student position is available at Dept. Mathematical Sciences at 
Chalmers University in Gothenburg, on inference for models with 
analytically "intractable" likelihoods, using approximate Bayesian 
computation (ABC) powered by deep neuronal networks (DNN).

You will be part of an international collaboration to create new 
methodology bridging between ABC and DNN for Bayesian inference in 
stochastic modelling, to enhance the /plug-and-play/ features of 
likelihood-free inference methodology.
If you have an interest in inference and simulation for models based on 
stochastic differential equations, that's a plus. The project is both 
methodological and computational, with applications to real data.

Details on the project are at 

The PhD student position is fully funded and is up to 5 years, in the 
dynamic and international city of Gothenburg, the second largest city in 
Sweden, https://www.goteborg.com/en/
As a PhD student in Mathematical Sciences you will have opportunities 
for many inspiring conversations, a lot of autonomous work and some travel.

The position will be supervised by Assoc. Prof. Umberto Picchini.

This part of a joint call for 6 PhD positions distributed across 6 projects.

Apply by 6 March 2020 following the instructions at 

For informal enquiries, please get in touch with picchini a chalmers.se

Best regards
Umberto Picchini

Umberto Picchinipicchini a chalmers.se
Associate Professorhttps://umbertopicchini.github.io/
Department of Mathematical Sciences   Twitter: @uPicchini
Gothenburg University and             Phone (office): +46 317 726 414
Chalmers University of Technology

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