[Forum SIS] COMPSTAT 2020: First Call For Papers

Maria Brigida Ferraro mariabrigida.ferraro a uniroma1.it
Lun 20 Gen 2020 13:40:25 CET

Sorry for cross-posting


24th International Conference on
25-28 August, Bologna, Italy

Submit your abstract at

Sponsored by the European Regional Section of the IASC and hosted and
by the Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Bologna,

The conference aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners
to discuss recent developments in computational methods, methodology
for data analysis and applications in statistics. All topics within
the broad interface of Computing & Statistics will be considered for
oral and poster presentation.

Keynote speakers:
    Igor Pruenster, Bocconi University, Italy.
    Jean-Michel Zakoian, ENSAE, France.
    Holger Dette, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany.

Scientific Program Committee:
COMPSTAT 2020 organisers and Chairpersons of the SPC and the LOC:
Alessandra Luati, University of Bologna, Italy and Maria Brigida Ferraro,
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
Past Compstat organiser: Cristian Gatu, Alexandru I. Cuza University of
Iasi, Romania.
Next Compstat organiser: Erricos Kontoghiorghes, Birbeck University of
London, UK.
Members SPC: Peter Filzmoser, Christian Hennig, Tsung-I Lin, Martina
Mittlboeck, Domingo Morales,  Miguel de Carvalho.
Consultative Members: Berthold Lausen, Philip Yu, David Fernando Munoz
Negron, Ana Colubi.
Local Organizing Committee: Alessandra Amendola, Enea Bongiorno, Fabrizio
Durante, Marzia Freo, Paolo Giordani.

Important dates:
17 April 2020      Abstract submission for invited and organized sessions
15 May 2020        Abstract submission for contributed sessions
27 May 2020        Presenting authors registration
25-28 August 2020  Conference

A COMPSTAT satellite meeting, the CSDA & EcoSta Workshop on Statistical
Data Science (SDS 2020) will take place 28-30 August 2020.

For further information please contact: info at compstat2020.org

Maria Brigida Ferraro
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Sapienza Universitā di Roma
P.le Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185 Roma
mariabrigida.ferraro at uniroma1.it

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