[Forum SIS] 24 Months research grant in Padova, Department of Statistical Sciences

Massimiliano Caporin massimiliano.caporin a unipd.it
Sab 9 Nov 2019 12:33:46 CET

Selection announcement for the awarding of a research grant - Department of
Statistical Sciences University of Padova
Details available at http://www.stat.unipd.it/bandi
(direct link to the call
- Deadline for applications: 4 December 2019
The Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Padova,
announces the opening of a selection to award a 24 months research grant
for innovative and excellent research projects proposed by young
independent scholars within the framework of the Project of Excellence
“Statistical methods and models for complex data”. The Department of
Statistical Sciences is a department of excellence whose project
“Statistical methods and models for complex data” has been financed by the
Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) at the beginning of
2018. The project will last for five years, from 2018 to 2022, and details
on the project activities are available at this link
In particular, the Project of Excellence (PE) purpose is to develop novel
skills for the analysis of complex data, according to the following
progress lines:
a) To the overcoming of deficiencies of the current statistical methods and
models for data characterized by various forms of complexity;
b) To meet the growing demand for solutions to complex problems in various
application fields by developing and/or using innovative statistical tools,
specifically designed to tackle the specific aspects of application fields
and of data they might generate;
c) To develop strategies for the management of novel data types as, for
instance, those emerging from the contemporaneous presence of various
elements of complexity;
d) To contribute to the definition of general approaches for inference on
complex data of different origin, that will become the methodological
infrastructure for the developments of modelling, forecasting and
classification strategies.
The new position builds on the project “Statistical models for complex
data” and the selected candidate will be involved in the development of the
project activities. In the evaluation of the research proposals, adherence
to the project topics is a necessary requirement. The candidates must be
PhD graduates with at least one year of post-doctoral research experiences
in Italian or international research institutes of recognized scientific
quality. Candidates must have their degree by the selection announcement
deadline and the PhD program in which they have been enrolled should have
lasted for at least three years. For additional details on the
requirements, limits, exclusions and further rules governing the selection,
see http://www.stat.unipd.it/bandi
The research grant has an annual gross amount of 28.500 Euro covered by the
Project of Excellence financial resources, is issued in accordance with the
current Regulations Governing Research Grant Awards. The research has to be
conducted at the Department of Statistical Sciences.
In addition, the winning projects will be provided with financial
contribution towards research expenses with an amount of 3000 Euro (for
missions, translations and language revisions, durable materials).
For further details on the call, the application procedure, and other
formal requirements, see http://www.stat.unipd.it/bandi

Massimiliano Caporin
Professor of Economic Statistics
University of Padova
Department of Statistical Sciences

Address: Via Cesare Battisti, 241 - 35121 Padova - Italy
Contacts: massimiliano.caporin a unipd.it; ph. +39-049-8274199; Skype

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