[Forum SIS] Seminar announcement

Alessandro Fasso' alessandro.fasso a unibg.it
Mar 9 Apr 2013 11:50:39 CEST

Dear Colleagues,
you are invited to the following seminar:

Thursday 11 April, 2013, 11:30
Prof. Wolfgang Schmid, European University of Frankurt Oder,
President of the German statistical society (DStatG)

"On the Application of Statistical Process Control in Finance"

University of Bergamo
Department of Engineering
Dalmine, Via Marconi 5
Room 17 Building B

Wating to see you.
Alessandro Fassò
Alessandro Fassò
Professor of Statistics
University of Bergamo
Via Marconi 5,   24044 Dalmine BG I,   Italy

*Office*:  Cell.  +39 338 655 1631 tel.  +39 035 2052 323,   fax. +39 035
2052 310
*Personal* *fax*. +39 035 7423 1165
email: alessandro.fasso at unibg.it,
homepage:  www.unibg.it/pers/?alessandro.fasso
*Skype*: alessandro.fasso

Alessandro Fassò
Professor of Statistics
University of Bergamo
Via Marconi 5,   24044 Dalmine BG I,   Italy

*Office*:  Cell.  +39 338 655 1631 tel.  +39 035 2052 323,   fax. +39 035
2052 310
*Personal* *fax*. +39 035 7423 1165
email: alessandro.fasso at unibg.it,
homepage:  www.unibg.it/pers/?alessandro.fasso
*Skype*: alessandro.fasso
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