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Seminario presso il CNR-IMATI

Il giorno 22 marzo 2006, alle h 14.30, si terra' presso il
CNR-IMATI, sezione di Milano, Via Bassini, 15, Milano, (piano terra),
il seminario


                             MARINA VANNUCCI

                            Texas A&M University


Stochastic search techniques for variable selection, originally developed for regression settings, have been applied to a variety of different models, including recent extensions to classification problems. I will briefly review the key ideas of these methods, then propose new developments for the case of unsupervised clustering. Unlike classification, where the group structure is pre-specified in a training set, in clustering the analysis is fully data-based. This calls for different methods for modeling the data and implementing the Bayesian variable selection techniques. I will formulate the problem in terms of a multivariate normal mixture model with an unknown number of components and use the reversible jump MCMC to define a sampler that moves between different dimensional spaces. The work is motivated by applications in genomics, specifically the analysis of the high-dimensional data generated by DNA microarrays. The identification of distinct subtypes of a disease and the detection of discriminating genes are common goals in the analysis of such data. Molecular classes defined on a small number of genes can lead to a better understanding of the underlying biological processes. In addition, the selected genes can serve as biomarkers for improved diagnosis and targets for therapeutic intervention.

Tutti gli interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare.

Ulteriori informazioni alla pagina web

Antonella Bodini 					
Via Bassini 15, 20133 Milano (Italy)	  		  					

tel   +39 02 23699524
fax   +39 02 23699538 

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