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Avviso di seminario

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================= AVVISO DI SEMINARIO ==================

Cristiano Varin
Dipartimento di Statistica
Universita' degli Studi di Padova

terrà un seminario dal titolo

"Composite marginal likelihood inference"

venerdì 20 gennaio 2006, ore 11.30

presso la Sala Consiglio (II piano)
del Dipartimento di Statistica
Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia
San Giobbe, Cannaregio 873, Venezia


In a number of applications, the presence of large sets of correlated
data or the specification of complex models make unfeasible the use  of
the likelihood function, since too computationally demanding. One
possibility is to avoid ordinary likelihood methods, or Bayesian
strategies, and to adopt simpler pseudolikelihoods, like those
belonging to the composite likelihood class.  A composite likelihood
consists in a combination of valid likelihood objects typically  related
to small subsets of data.  It has good theoretical properties  and it
behaves well in many challenging applications. Examples  include spatial
statistics, multivariate survival analysis,  generalized linear mixed
models, frailty models, genetics.

In this talk, I will discuss the main properties of composite  marginal
likelihoods, like the pairwise likelihood and its  extensions. Time
series illustrations will be considered.

Con i migliori saluti,
Carlo Gaetan

Carlo Gaetan
Dipartimento di Statistica phone: ++39 041 234 7411 (gen. office)
Università Ca' Foscari - Venezia ++39 041 234 7437 (desk)
San Giobbe, Cannaregio 873, fax : ++39 041 234 7444
30121 Venezia ITALY

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