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seminario Jane Hutton al Politecnico di Torino

Mercoledi` 6 luglio 2005, Ore 16,  Aula Buzano, Dipartimento di 
Matematica, Politecnico di Torino

Ethics of medical research in developing countries: the role of 
international codes of conduct

Professor JL Hutton, Department of Statistics, The University of Warwick

Many statisticians work with an informal codes of ethics, and are 
probably unaware of the existence or content of rules which have been 
drawn up to govern statistical practice. Medical statisticians will be 
aware of codes of conduct for medical research, and most codes of 
professional ethics have some dependence on evidence. Statisticians 
therefore have a valuable contribution to make to debates on ethics 
which concern scientific soundness, data and perceptions of risk.

A lively debate on the revision of the widely respected Declaration of 
Helsinki, to reflect issues arising from research in developing 
countries, particularly HIV research, centres on questions of study 
design, data analysis and assessment of risk.

Collectively owned multi-professional work requires each of the various 
professions to take responsibility for the conduct of the research, and 
the impact that it might have.  Statisticians share important 
responsibilities in maintaining ethical medical research in all countries.

International Statistical Institute. (1985) Declaration of professional 
ethics. Voorburg. http://www.cbs.nl/isi/ethics.ht

Breve biografia del relatore:
Professor Jane Hutton works in medical statistics, with special 
interests in survival analysis, meta-analysis and non-random data. 
Accelerated failure time models are a particular focus in her research 
in survival analysis.

She has major collaborations in cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Her work 
with Professor Peter Pharoah and Dr Allan Colver, on life expectancy in 
cerebral palsy, has had a substantial effect on the size of awards in 
medico-legal cases. This work is widely cited nationally and 
internationally. In epilepsy, she has contributed to many Cochrane 
reviews of anti-epileptic drugs.

She has written extensively on ethics and philosophy of statistics. She 
has contributed to Research Council ethics guidelines, and is observing 
the revision of the International Statistics Institute Declaration of 
Professional Ethics.

Ulteriori dettagli alla pagina web


Mauro Gasparini

Professore Straordinario di Statistica
Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 I-10129 Torino, Italy 

tel: +39 011 564 7546
fax: +39 011 564 7599
email: gasparini@calvino.polito.it
www: http://calvino.polito.it/~gasparin/

Coordinatore Scientifico del
Centro Universitario di Statistica per le Scienze Biomediche
dell'Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele di Milano
www: http://www.cussb.unihsr.it/

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