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Annuncio Seminario - Prof. A.P. Dawid


Il giorno giovedi' 3 marzo 2005, alle ore 15.00, nella Sala 34 del Dipartimento di Statistica,
Probabilitą e Statistiche Applicate dell'Universitą di Rma "La Sapienza",

il Prof. A.P. DAWID (Department of Statistical Science, University College London)

terrą un seminario dal titolo CAUSALITY:  Conceptions, Connexions, Confusions, Contentions.

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare. Segue abstract del seminario.

CAUSALITY:  Conceptions, Connexions, Confusions, Contentions
Department of Statistical Science
University College London


Modern statistical approaches to causal inference are based on a variety of distinct foundations,
ingredients, assumptions and methods. These involve differing conceptions of the effects of
interventions, or of stable relationships across regimes; disagreement over the roles of
hypothetical and counterfactual outcomes; and varying semantics and uses for algebraic,
graphical and other representations.  There does however seem to be fairly broad agreement
that causal inference requires significant modifications and extensions to standard statistical
machinery.  I shall argue that this is mistaken, and that the power of existing statistical and
decision-theoretic tools to address causal issues is much greater than is commonly allowed.