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seminario presso l'IMATI di Milano

Il giorno 25 febbraio, alle h 14.30, si terra' presso il CNR-IMATI,
sezione di Milano, Via Bassini, 15, Milano, in aula convegni (piano
terra), il seminario


                           DIEGO LIBERATI

                         CNR-IEEIT,  Milano

ABSTRACT.  Simple techniques to analyze stochastic processes for
system identification are applied to the biomedical context, with
special emphasis to the nervous system.  Time variant and multivariate
linear parametric approaches are shown to be useful when applied to
analyze signals electro-magnetically recorded from the central nervous
system.  A linear approximation of possibly stimulated interactions is
provided, also capturing total and partial coherence and
synchronisation.  Non linear 'neural' approaches, logic synthesis for
rules inference and non linear modeling, seem to be needed when
dealing with more complex problems, like prognosis in oncology or
mental states recognition (toward hybrid approaches to brain-computer
interfacing and neuroengineering).  Piecewise linear techniques, ever
since used in surgery monitoring, and successfully tested in simple
problems like compartmental identification in dialysis, are keen to
provide a powerful simpler surrogate to the more costful non linear
approaches in complex problems, when embedded in the mixed logic and
dynamic context. 

Tutti gli interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare.
Alessandra Guglielmi             e-mail: alessan@mi.imati.cnr.it
CNR-IMATI                        tel.  : ++39.02.23699529 
via Bassini, 15                  fax   : ++39.02.23699538 
20133 Milano (ITALIA)

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