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Conferenza Rosenberger a Bologna

Seminari - Prof.  William F. Rosenberger
14 gennaio 2005
Luogo: Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche "Paolo Fortunati" via Belle Arti 
41 Bologna Aula III ore 14

per informazioni contattare la prof.sa Alessandra Giovagnoli.

edificio statistica

Il  Prof William F. Rosenberger, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 
visita il Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche di Bologna dall'11 al 25 
gennaio 2005.
Il giorno 14 gennaio 2005 alle ore 14 in Aula III terrą una conferenza dal 

Bayesian Optimal Designs for Phase I Clinical Trials.

A broad approach to the design of phase I clinical trials for the efficient 
estimation of the maximum tolerated dose is presented.

  The method is rooted in formal optimal design theory and involves the 
construction of constrained Bayesian c- and D-optimal designs. The imposed 
constraint incorporates the optimal design points and their weights and 
ensures that the probability that an administered dose exceeds the maximum 
acceptable dose is low.

  Results relating to these constrained designs for log doses on the real 
line are described and the associated equivalence theorem is given.

The ideas are extended to more practical situations and specifically to 
those involving discrete doses. In particular, a Bayesian sequential 
optimal design scheme comprising a pilot study on a small number of 
patients followed by the allocation of patients to doses one-at-a-time is 
developed in a user-friendly software package.

JOINT WORK WITH Inna Perevozskaya and Linda M. Haines

e.mail: rosenberger@stat.unibo.it

Prof. Alessandra Giovagnoli
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Universita' di Bologna
via Belle Arti 41
40126   BOLOGNA (Italy)
TELEFONO: Ufficio +39 051-2098239
         Fax       +39 051-232153
INDIRIZZO E-MAIL giovagnoli@stat.unibo.it

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