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seminario Julia Mortera

La Prof.ssa Julia Mortera del Dipartimento di Economia dell'Università Roma 
Tre terrà un seminario dal titolo Reti Bayesiane per l'Identificazione 
Forense, giovedì 21 ottobre alle ore 15 nell’aula 4 del Dipartimento di 
Scienze Statistiche dell'Università di Bologna, via Belle Arti 41  40126, 


Bayesian networks are an extremely valuable methodology for formulating
and solving forensic identification problems using DNA evidence. Such
problems could be associated with simple paternity cases, identification
of bodies, or proving the presence of individuals in criminal cases, where
mixed stains of blood or other substances are found on the scene of the
crime. The Bayesian networks reflect the genetic relationships among
involved individuals but express also logical constraints between items of
evidence and uncertainties in measurement processes. Classical calculations
can be illuminated through a Bayesian network representation and more complex
calculations can easily be performed exploiting the natural modularity of 
networks. The approach will be illustrated on some real forensic case work.

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