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Annuncio ciclo di lezioni

Lunedi' 12 Luglio nell'Aula Interna del Dipartimento, Michel Bierlaiichel Bierlaire 
dell' Institute of Mathematics della Ecole Politecnique Federale de Lausanne 
terrą il seguente ciclo di lezioni:

Titolo: Discrete choice models 

Abstract: The lecture will be organized into four parts. During the first part, the 
basic modeling assumptions will be discussed, based on neoclassical 
economic theory. The second part will derive in detail the simple binary 
logit model. We will emphasize what assumptions are needed to obtain an 
operational model, and we'll discuss some estimation issues. One of these 
assumptions is the independence of the error terms. It will be relaxed in 
the third part of the lecture, where the probit model, the nested logit 
model and GEV models will be presented.
Finally, the software BIOGEME, designed for the estimation of GEV models, 
will be presented, and advanced features will be briefly discussed.

Il programma e' cosi' articolato:
Lunedi' mattina dalle 10.00 alle 13.00

Introduction:        30 min.
Binary logit models: 90 min.
GEV models part I:   45 min.

Lunedi' pomeriggio dalle 15.00 alle 16.30

GEV models part II:  45 min.
Advanced models:     30 min.

Per qualsiasi informazione potete contattarmi al:
Elena Stanghellini 
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche
Via A. Pascoli - C.P. 1315 Succ. 1
06100 Perugia (Italy)

Tel +39 075 5855229 or 5855242
Fax +39 075 5855950

email: elena.stanghellini@stat.unipg.it
home page: http://www.stat.unipg.it/DSS/html/elena.html

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