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ESF Programme TED: call for workshops and visits


                    Towards Electronic Democracy: 
           Internet-based Complex Decision Support (TED)


The European Science Foundation has established the programme TOWARDS
ELECTRONIC DEMOCRACY (TED) with the objective of discussing and
evaluating how advances in interactive decision analytic tools might
help develop inclusive e-democratic systems which involve their
electorates more fully in decision making. As part of this programme,
there is funding available for several research workshops and for a
number of fellowships to support short visits between researchers to
investigate aspects of e-democracy from a decision analytic perspective.

The closing date for the applications for the first round of these is
28th March 2003.

Further details are available:

Specifically on the workshop and visiting fellowship funding:

at http://bayes.escet.urjc.es/ted/workshops_and_fellowships.html
or by emailing simon.french@mbs.ac.uk or drios@escet.urjc.es.  

On TED generally: 

at http://bayes.escet.urjc.es/ted/index.html 
or at http://www.esf.org/ted
or by emailing simon.french@mbs.ac.uk or drios@escet.urjc.es.  

On the ESF:

at http://www.esf.org/

Best regards

Fabrizio Ruggeri
(on behalf of the TED Steering Committee)

PLEASE NOTE THE NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS: fabrizio@mi.imati.cnr.it

Fabrizio Ruggeri                    fabrizio@mi.imati.cnr.it
CNR IMATI                           tel +39 0270643206
Via A.M. Ampere 56                  fax +39 0270643212
I-20131 Milano (Italy)              www.mi.imati.cnr.it/~fabrizio