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Avviso Corso 'Introduction to Genetic Epidemiology' Brescia 5-8 Giugno 2001

Un corso di Introduzione all'Epidemiologia Genetica, promosso dalla Sezione di Statistica Medica e Biometria e dalla Sezione di Biologia e Genetica del  Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Biotecnologie dell'Universitą degli Studi di Brescia, si terrą nei giorni 5-8 Giugno 2001, presso la Sede della Facoltą di Medicina della stessa Universitą. in Via Valsabbina, 19- Brescia.

Il Corso, rivolto a ricercatori delle Universitą e di Enti pubblici e privati, si articolerą in 3 ore giornaliere di lezioni frontali e 3 ore di esercitazioni al computer. Il numero di partecipanti č limitato a 25. Informazioni sulle modalitą di iscrizione al Corso saranno inviate dopo il 10 Marzo 2001, a tutti coloro che ne faranno richiesta, allegando un breve CV, al seguente indirizzo:

Prof. A Decarli- decarli@med.unibs.it 



Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Biotecnologie-Via Valsabbina,19-25123 Brescia

Brescia, 5-8 Giugno 2001

R.Elston, A.Schnell

In this short course, we propose demonstrating particular S.A.G.E. 4.0 programs using two datasets – one for a discrete binary trait and one for a continuous trait. After an introductory first day, the basic format for each set of programs would be: we begin by discussing the theory, then go through an example using one of the datasets, focusing on implementation and interpretation, and then there will be a ‘hands on’ portion where the participants perform actual analyses. The usual format is four 1½ hour sessions per day, leaving ample time for discussion. during lunch and coffee breaks.

Day 1 : Introduction to Genetics - Terminology and Basic Principles: Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, modes of inheritance (dominance, recessivity, epistasis), polygenic and multifactorial models, family relationships, identity by descent, linkage and linkage disequilibrium. Data and Parameter File Preparation - Getting the Necessary Files Ready for S.A.G.E.

Discussion/Description of the Datasets Used in the Examples

Day 2 : Descriptive Statistics and Data Cleaning (PEDINFO,PEDCHK2,RELTEST)

Familial Correlation and Association (FCOR2,ASSOC2)

Day 3 : Model-Free Linkage Analysis of Continuous and Binary Traits (GENIBD, SIBPAL2, RELPAL2, TDTEX)

Day 4 : Model-Based Linkage Analysis of Continuous and Binary Traits (MLOD)

Note: In the afternoon of Day 4 we could discuss briefly how the parameters for the model-based linkage are obtained by segregation analysis.


Robert Elston has been developing statistical methods for the analysis of pedigree data for over 30 years, having written numerous articles in e.g. Biometrics, Human Heredity and the American Journal of Human Genetics. Since receiving federal funding, starting in 1987, to develop S.A.G.E. and train individuals in its use, he has offered an average of two short courses/workshops per year on the subject, mostly in the United States. He has been on the editorial board of numerous journals, including Biometrics, the American Journal of Medical Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology. In 1993 he was Chair of the ASA Section in Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences. He is a Fellow of the ASA, a Guggenheim Memorial Fellow and has received numerous awards most notably the William Allan Award from the American Society of Human Genetics in 1996. He was President of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society for 1997.

Audrey Schnell has been assisting in teaching S.A.G.E. short courses and has provided user support for the programs since 1995. She obtained her Ph.D. in Genetics and Molecular Epidemiology at Case Western Reserve University in 1999.