[Forum SIS] ASA Florence 2021 on-site Conferenc

Antonio Giusti antonio.giusti a unifi.it
Sab 29 Maggio 2021 12:01:06 CEST

Dear all,

I enclose the call for papers of the ASA conference to be held on-site 
in Florence from 6 to 8 September 2021. At the request of numerous 
colleagues, the deadlines are expected to be shortly extended. For 
example, the deadline for abstract submission which was 31 May will be 
postponed to 15 June; I remind you that the size foreseen for the 
abstract is a maximum of 300 words.I invite you to send one or more 
works to be presented as free contributions, by you and / or by people 
you know are interested.It will also be possible to publish the short 
papers of the refereed works (4-6 pages) in a volume with ISBN.With my 
best regards,

Luigi Fabbris

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