[Forum SIS] PhD in Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence - University of Trieste

Gio 13 Maggio 2021 17:35:43 CEST

Cari colleghi,
scrivo per condividere il bando per il nuovo dottorato in "Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence"  dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste pregandovi di segnalarlo ai potenziali interessati.
Francesco Pauli

PhD in "Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence"
University of Trieste
**** Deadline for application June, 7th ****

The PhD program in "Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence" trains researchers with in-depth scientific preparation in the methodological basis of data science and artificial intelligence (computer science, mathematics, statistics) and their implications in various application domains, with attention to the ethical and legal aspects. PhD students will be made aware of the principles of research reproducibility and FAIR data.
The program is focused on: medicine and life sciences, industry 4.0, society and economy, data driven science. An essential and qualifying aspect is the multidisciplinary approach from a theoretical and experimental standpoint as well as the interaction with the relevant economic sectors in the territory.
PhDs in "Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence" will be able to undertake an academic path of teaching and research in the core areas of the doctorate and more generally contribute with the tools of data science and artificial intelligence in all research fields where they may be relevant.

More details are available on the webpage: http://www2.units.it/dott/en/?file=DottBandi.inc&cod=2020 (in Italian: http://www2.units.it/dott/it/?file=DottBandi.inc&cod=2020)

In particular:
Call: http://www2.units.it/dott/files/Call37.pdf
Overview: http://www2.units.it/dott/files/Applied%20Data%20Science%20and%20AI37Overview.pdf
Admission: http://www2.units.it/dott/files/Environmental%20Life%20Sciences37Admission.pdf
For more information: dottorato.adsai a units.it ; francesco.pauli a deams.units.it

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