[Forum SIS] EUSN 2021 - Call for Papers: Session on Textual Data and Network Analyses

Michelangelo Misuraca michelangelo.misuraca a unical.it
Gio 13 Maggio 2021 13:27:23 CEST

Dear colleagues,

we would like to draw your attention to our call for abstracts for a session on 

“Words speaking in networks of connecting worlds "  

at the 5th European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN), 

September 7-10, 2021 in Naples (Italy) (hybrid in-person and remote conference).

Session organizers:

- Giuseppe Giordano, University of Salerno (Italy)

- Michelangelo Misuraca, University of Calabria (Italy)


Many times, scholars with a very different scientific background share a common analytic language to investigate phenomena in a quantitative manner, but at the same time different disciplines use different terminologies. What happens is that powerful tools developed in a certain domain stand within a limited circle of users, or worse, different groups find quite similar solutions to a problem without sharing their experiences outside their community. In Text Mining as well as in scientific domains that exploit textual data to research purposes, network analytics are more and more used with the aim of revealing interesting patterns and trends. One of the keys of this trend is the sharing of common data structures. Data structures commonly used in text analysis and mining can be easily associated with those used in network analyses, so allowing their representation as graphs. From this viewpoint, different tasks can be accomplished in a more effective way. For instance, starting from a terms-by-terms adjacency matrix, it is possible to extract significant topics or concepts. Such an approach is used in Bibliometrics to map the knowledge-base of a discipline by analyzing the reference literature, but it is also used in Natural Language Processing to explore the syntactic and semantic structure of textual datasets. A similar approach can be performed on a documents-by- documents matrix aiming at grouping documents with similar contents, using a community detection approach or other graph-based clustering algorithms. In the two cases, looking at terms or looking at documents, several proposals have been presented and discussed in the years, focusing both on the organization of the data (looking at the different ways to weight nodes and edges, as well as taking into account multiple relations) and on the effective analytical steps (developing algorithms able to reduce the complexity of a network, to decompose it in sub-structures, to study its evolution on a given time horizon, and so on).

The session aims at fostering a dialogue among scholars of different domains interested in the analysis of textual data with a network-based approach. We would like to guest interesting applicative studies as well as innovative methodological proposals, leveraging the experiences gained in different re- search fields.

Submission Details:  

Please submit your abstract (not exceeding 500 words) for an oral presentation.

Deadline: May 23, 2021

Submission link: http://www.eusn2021.unina.it/callforpapers.html <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.eusn2021.unina.it_callforpapers.html&d=DwMDaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=yQQsvTNAnbvDXGM4nDrXAje4pr0qHX2qIOcCQtJ5k3w&m=v2rE4EnSj82y0IuUCzj71DiqgjGl7t82pRXXpkIHQTw&s=UmnV6dM0NLyHgNQMrdn8xT7L3oVF6Ii3ZK6AZOzdd5o&e=>
When submitting your abstract, select the Organized Session title from the list of session titles.

In case you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the session organizers.

We look forward to your submissions!

Giuseppe Giordano (email <mailto:giuseppe.giordano a unisa.it>) & Michelangelo Misuraca (email <mailto:michelangelo.misuraca a unical.it>)

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