[Forum SIS] MSP 2021 Workshop

gianluca cassese gianluca.cassese a unimib.it
Ven 22 Gen 2021 15:39:14 CET

We are pleased to announce the second edition of the Workshop on

*The Mathematics of Subjective Probability (MSP 2021)*

that will take place at the University of Milano-Bicocca on September 1-3,

As in the preceding edition, this workshop is intended as a forum for
scholars of different fields who are interested in modeling probability as
part of the behaviour of individuals rather than on a purely axiomatic
basis. Papers on Probability Theory are obviously welcome as well as papers
from Economic Theory, Game Theory, Statistics and Mathematics.

We intend to hold the conference in the classical form, with
speakers attending physically although, as of now, we cannot exclude that
at least in part it will have to take place remotely

The following speakers have accepted our invitation to deliver a talk:

   - Nabil Al-Najjar, Northwestern University;
   - Pierpaolo Battigalli, Università Bocconi;
   - K.P.S. Bhaskara-Rao,  Indiana University Northwest;
   - Giulianella Coletti, Università di Perugia;
   - Massimo Marinacci, Università Bocconi;
   - Frank Riedel, University of Bielefeld.

We invite all interested researchers to submit  their papers for
presentation. Papers should be submitted electronically via e-mail at the
address  MSP2021 at unimib.it . Submission will be possible until July 1st;
notification of acceptance will be received by july 15th.

For all details concerning the conference, please refer to the website
msp2021.campus.unimib.it <https://www.msp2021.campus.unimib.it/>.


*Gianluca Cassese*
Dipartimento di Economia, Metodi Quantitativi e Strategie di Impresa
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8 - 20126, Milan, Italy
Building U7 - Room 2097
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