[Forum SIS] Seminario online: Sunil Rao (Univ. Of Miami)

Claudio Conversano conversa a unica.it
Lun 11 Gen 2021 11:20:21 CET

(Web)Seminari di Statistica

Università di Cagliari


Statistics and COVID-19 in Action:  Two Specific Problems Illustrating the Development of New Methodology or the Novel Application of Existing Tools.

Sunil Rao (University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine)

venerdì 15 gennaio 2021, ore 17:00-18:00 


Abstract. I will describe two vignettes illustrating statistics in action during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first is more applied work and describes the use of random forest modeling to understand the contextual factors that drive viral spread contrasting urban versus rural counties in the U.S. Such knowledge can augment our understanding of community spread to better prepare communities against future waves of the disease. The second vignette describes the development of new methodology for estimating disease prevalence in the presence of biased sampling using interesting ideas from correcting for publication bias. Biased sampling here refers to the fact that people with symptoms are more likely get tested for COVID-19.


Link Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86274798633?pwd=L21rUU93NmJYU3lPODR0eXUraVFOZz09
ID meeting: 862 7479 8633
Passcode: skZ6du


Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.


Per informazioni contattare:

·         Monica Musio (Dipartimento di Matematica e informatica) mmusio a unica.it

·         Claudio Conversano (Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali) conversa a unica.it

·         Mariano Porcu (Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali) mrporcu a unica.it



Calendario prossimi seminari:


venerdì 22 gennaio 2021, ore: 15:30-16:30

Vito M.R. Muggeo (Università di Palermo, Dip. Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche)

L’indice di riproduzione per le dinamiche di COVID-19: modellazione statistica e implicazioni.


venerdì 5 febbraio 2021, ore: 15.30-16:30

Laura Ventura (Università di Padova, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche):

Sviluppi di modelli dose-risposta nel raccontare la pandemia di COVID-19





Claudio Conversano (PhD)

Associate Prof. of Statistics

Department of Business and Economics

University of Cagliari, ITALY




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