[Forum SIS] Term/two year (non tenure track) assistant professorship at Brown University, USA

Marco Alfo marco.alfo a uniroma1.it
Ven 18 Dic 2020 18:23:15 CET

Ricevo dalla dott.ssa De Vito ed inoltro alla lista SIS.

*Term/two-year (non-tenure track) Carl Kawaja and Wendy Holcombe Assistant
Professorship for postdoctoral research with Professor Roberta De Vito at
Brown University's Data Science Initiative.*

Applications are invited for candidates with a Ph.D. in biostatistics,
statistics, applied math, computer science, or a related quantitative field
for Postdoctoral Research Associate positions within the Data Science
Initiative, at Brown University (
https://www.brown.edu/initiatives/data-science/home). The Postdoctoral
candidate will work closely and will be advised by Professor Roberta De
Vito (https://rdevito.github.io/web/) on projects developing machine
learning methods for high-dimensional biological data, like cancer
genomics, diets, air pollution, and COVID-19.  This position also provides
the opportunity to engage in a multi-institutional collaboration, spanning
across Duke University, Harvard University, and Dana Farber Cancer
Institute aimed at both the development of statistical methodologies and
novel applications to the field mentioned above. We seek candidates who
work in the areas of causal inference, Bayesian inference, machine learning
and prediction, and methodology for big data analysis.

Brown's Data Science Initiative
<https://www.brown.edu/initiatives/data-science/home> (DSI) serves as a
campus hub for research and education in data science. Engaging partners
across campus and beyond, DSI facilitates and conducts both domain-driven
and fundamental research in data science, educates the next generation of
data scientists, and explores the impact of the data revolution on culture,
society, health, and social justice. The DSI values diversity and inclusion
as essential to achieving excellence.


Doctoral degree in Statistics, Biostatistics, Computer Science, Applied
Math, a related quantitative field. Expertise in Bayesian statistics and/or
machine learning is essential. Strong programming skills are required
(e.g., in Julia, Python, R, C++).

*Application Instructions*

To apply for this position, please submit the relevant materials
(curriculum vitae, list of publications, seminars, and conference
contributions, and at least one letter of recommendation). Inquiries about
this position should be addressed to Roberta DeVito
<%20roberta_devito at brown.edu>. To receive full consideration, complete
applications should be received by February 1st, 2020. Applications
received after this date may still be considered at the discretion of the
search committee.

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