[Forum SIS] Conference on Benford's law and fraud detection - Announcement and call for papers

Andrea CERIOLI andrea.cerioli a unipr.it
Lun 25 Feb 2019 10:52:10 CET

International Conference on

Benford’s Law for Fraud Detection: Foundations, methods and applications

Stresa, Italy, Hotel La Palma, 10-12 July 2019

Local organizers premises: European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy

Web page: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/event/workshop/benfords-law-conference-call-papers

e-mail: JRC-I-Events-Admin a ec.europa.eu

Call for papers: see attachment


The contrast of fraud in international trade is a crucial task of modern economic regulations. An emerging approach to fraud detection is based on testing conformance to the Benford’s Law (BL). The general goals of this conference are to provide insight on the suitability of the BL for fraud detection, discuss the state of the art in the field and reflect on new BL-based procedures. The conference will have a cross-domain dimension and will debate these and other research themes without focusing necessarily on international trade. The conference will also discuss integration of BL-based fraud signals with those obtained under alternative, and more established, statistical approaches.

Conference Themes:

  *   The challenges of fraud detection and Benford’s solution

  *   The Mathematics and Statistics of Benford’s Law

  *   Integration of different approaches to fraud detection

  *   Applications

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

  *   Theodore Hill, Georgia Tech

  *   Steven Miller, Williams College

  *   Mark Nigrini, West Virginia University

  *   Alex Kossovsky, The City University of New York

  *   Marco Riani, Università di Parma

  *   Marco De Andreis, Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli

Provisional list of further invited speakers:

Andrea Cerioli; Peter Filzmoser; Luis Angel Garcia-Escudero; Rita Giuliano Antonini; Agustin Mayo-Iscar; Domenico Perrotta; Robert Stadler; Tim Verdonck.

Contributed Talks

The conference programme will include a few slots for contributed talks. Proposals should be sent to Lorena Marcaletti (Lorena.marcaletti a ec.europa.eu) by May 1st at the latest (early submission is encouraged). Each proposal should include a short abstract (max 2 pages) of the talk, using the template at the conference web page. Decision on the proposal will be notified two weeks after submission.

Scientific Committee

  *   Domenico Perrotta, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy (Chair)

  *   Andrea Cerioli, University of Parma, Italy

  *   Lucio Barabesi, University of Siena, Italy


Attendance to the workshop is free of charge and limited to a maximum of 120 participants, on a first-come-first-served basis, therefore registration is COMPULSORY.

Link to the registration website:


Registration will close on May 17th, 2019.

Further information

See the attached Call for Papers

Web page:


e-mail: JRC-I-Events-Admin a ec.europa.eu


Andrea Cerioli, Ph.D.

Full Professor of Statistics

Department of Economics  and Management

University of Parma

Via Kennedy 6, 43125 Parma, Italy

Phone: +39 0521 902491

Fax: +39 0521 902375

E-mail: andrea.cerioli a unipr.it
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