[Forum SIS] Napoli SIB conference Deadline extension

Di Serio Clelia diserio.clelia a unisr.it
Mer 3 Apr 2019 11:02:55 CEST

Care/i Colleghe/i,
su richiesta di molti che hanno richiesto una estensione della scadenza abstract abbiamo deciso di estendere la deadline per l'abstract al 10 aprile. Vi ricordo che il convegno è anche molto dedicato ai giovani sia per quanto riguarda i due corsi, che la sessione poster per i quali sono previsti almeno due premi della Intenational Biometric Society.
Abbiamo anche aggiornato i contenuti del sito della conferenza.
Cari saluti


The Italian Region of the International Biometric Society (IBS-IR) is pleased to announce the 12th bi-annual scientific meeting devoted to promote collaborations and exchange scientific expertise among all members of IBS regions. Special sessions are organized by IBS regions (confirmed regions: Eastern North American Region - org. Giovanni Parmigiani, Eastern Mediterranean Region -org. D.Karlis, German Region - org. Klaus Jung, Spanish Region- org. Klaus Langohr); to reinforce also historical research fields and collaborations of Italian Region of IBS one invited session is organized on agricultural and environmental statistics - org. E. Carfagna, and another one by Italian Statistical Society - org. M. Attanasio.

Confirmed invited speakers are: Claudia Angelini (Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "Mauro Picone", CNR, Naples, Italy) Stefania Galimberti (University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy), Niels Keiding (University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark), Cécile Proust-Lima (Bordeaux University, Bordeaux, France).

For contributed sessions and poster session (two poster awards), we encourage the submission of short abstracts by April the 10th, 2019.

Two half-day pre-conference courses will be also provided.

For more details on abstract submission and pre-conference courses see


Clelia Di Serio
Full Professor in Medical Statistics and Epidemiology
President of the International Biometric Society -IR (SIB)

0039022643 4872 (3844)
Vita-Salute San Raffaele University
Via Olgettina 58, 20132 Milan

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