[Forum SIS] JOBs: Two post-docs in Bayesian statistics at University College Dublin

Michael Fop michael.fop a ucd.ie
Sab 10 Mar 2018 12:49:21 CET

Dear all,

This might be of interest for those of you passionate of Bayesian
computational methods and sport.


Two 18 month post-doc positions in Bayesian statistics at University
College Dublin to work with Prof. Nial Friel.

The insight centre in data analytics, is seeking to recruit two
post-doctoral researchers with experience in Bayesian methods and related
computational skills. Both roles will focus on advanced Bayesian methods
capable of scaling to large datasets. In addition, one of the positions
will also focus on developing methodology and applications in sports

More information is available at: www.ucd.ie/workatucd/jobs and search for
job references 010154 and 010156.

Closing date: March 24th, 2018.

Informal enquires can be directed to Prof. Nial Friel (nial.friel a ucd.ie)

Michael Fop
Postdoctoral researcher in Statistics
Insight Centre for Data Analytics
School of Mathematics and Statistics
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Website: https://michaelfop.github.io/
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