[Forum SIS] REMIND ? 12 July 2018: deadline for contribute papers' abstract

Simone Di Zio s.dizio a unich.it
Ven 6 Lug 2018 10:52:46 CEST

(We apologize for multiple sendings)

Scientific Conference on:

Applications to Food, Social and Health, Economic and Environmental Fields?

G. D?Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara
(Pescara, 12 13 and 14 September 2018)


The ASA (Association for Applied Statistics) and the G. D?Annunzio
University of Chieti and Pescara in partnership with:
- AICQ-CN, The Italian Association for Quality Culture (north and
centre of Italy)
- AISS, The Italian Academy for Six Sigma
- ASSIRM, The Italian Association for Marketing, Social and Opinion Research
- SIS, The Italian Society of Statistics

organise in Pescara a scientific conference aimed at promoting
applications and new statistical techniques and models suitable for
food, social and health, economic and environmental risk analyses.

The conference will last two days. Scientific reports at the
conference will be partly invited by the Scientific Committee and
partly contributed by participants. Also a round-table and
participated experiments for both the sensorial evaluation of food and
wines and the convergence of opinions will be held.
At each invited session two basic speeches will open the discussion,
one of which will be held by an academic and the other by an expert
from a company or an institution currently using statistics. This
juxtaposition is aimed at favouring a better understanding between the
academia and the production world.

This message is devoted to solicit contributed papers.
Contributed papers are welcome. Concerned scholars are invited to
submit to the Scientific Committee an abstract preferably in English
of no more than 4,000 characters, title, authors? name, company or
institution they belong to, and email included. The Committee, after
acceptation, will contact the authors.

Official languages at the conference will be Italian and English. A
good practice would be to write the PowerPoint transparencies in
English so that non-Italian participants can follow all presentations.

15 June 2018: deadline for contribute papers? abstract
15 July 2018: abstract acceptation and deadline for early bird reduced
fees accreditation

The conference organizers will allow publishing, after a blind
refereeing process, full texts of the invited papers and of a
selection of the contributed papers.
The journals interested to host such papers are the following:

Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Public Health
Micro & Macro Marketing
Quality & Engineering
Statistica Applicata (Italian Journal of Applied Statistics)

All journals currently publish in English, though Micro & Macro
Marketing and Quality & Engineering  host papers also in Italian.

Other basic information on the conference can be found at the
following website:


The conference secretariat can be contacted also through the following
email address:

secretariat a asariskpescara2018.it

Conference session topics include, but are not limited to the
following areas of special interest:

Choice and preference elicitation of food and wines
Economic and social issues about food and wine
Assessment of food and beverages quality
Qualitative and quantitative methods for sensorial research
Official statistics on food and beverages
Relationships between food, health and life quality
The future of food
Participation and future studies
Methods and models for studying future trends
Forgery of branded food and wine products
Crime measurement / indicators
Security risks studies
Industrial risks studies
Insurance risk studies
Environmental risk studies

prof. Roberto Benedetti (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
prof. Mauro Coli (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara,
honorary chair)
prof. Tonio Di Battista (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
prof. Marco Di Marzio (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
prof. Simone Di Zio (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
prof. Lara Fontanella (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
prof. Stefano A. Gattone (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti
and Pescara)
prof. Luigi Ippoliti (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
dr. Gerarda Martino (ASL ? Local Health Authority, Pescara)
prof. Eugenia Nissi (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
prof. Antonio Pacinelli (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and
Pescara, chair)
prof. Paolo Postiglione (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
dr. Annalina Sarra (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
dr. Andrea Tieri (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
prof. Pasquale Valentini (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)

Prof. Francesca Bassi (SIS, University of Padua)
prof. Roberto Benedetti (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
prof. Aldo Carnevale (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
prof. Giulia Cavrini (University of Bolzano-Bozen)
Eng. Alessandro Celegato (AICQ-AISS, PSV Project Service and Value)
prof. Mauro Coli (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
prof. Augusta Consorti (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
prof. Adriano Decarli (University of Milan)
prof. Tonio Di Battista (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
prof. Simone Di Zio (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
prof. Luigi Fabbris (University of Padua, chair)
prof. Benito Vittorio Frosini (Sacred Heart Catholic University of Milan)
prof. Mario Fulcheri (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
prof. Antonio Giusti (University of Florence)
Eng. Theodor Jay Gordon (The Futures Group Co., USA)
prof. Domenica Fioredistella Iezzi (Tor Vergata University of Rome)
prof. Antonio Pacinelli (?G. D?Annunzio? University of Chieti and Pescara)
prof. Francesco Palumbo (Federico II University of Naples)
prof. Antonello Paparella (University of Teramo)
dr. Maurizio Pessato (Assirm)
prof. Alfonso Piscitelli (Federico II University of Naples)
prof. Nino Savelli (Sacred Heart Catholic University of Milan)

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