[Forum SIS] February 28th deadline for applications to Data Science PhD in Pisa

Monica Pratesi monica.pratesi a unipi.it
Mar 6 Feb 2018 08:02:48 CET

Dear All,
as a member of the Data Science PhD Board I am forwarding this email 
(pasted below) from the PhD coordinator, Prof Dino Pedreschi.
He will be happy to answer to any question on PhD application,
Regards, Monica Pratesi


Only a few more weeks to apply for the Data Science PhD in Pisa, Italy!

***  Deadline for applications: February 28th, 2018 ***
***  More information and online application:
http://datasciencephd.eu <http://datasciencephd.eu/>

An interdisciplinary PhD program in Data Science offered by the hub of 
universities and research centers in Pisa - Scuola Normale Superiore, 
Università di Pisa, CNR, Scuola Sant'Anna, Scuola IMT Lucca - which run 
together the H2020 European Research Infrastructure on Social Mining & 
Big Data Analytics http://www.sobigdata.eu <http://www.sbigdata.eu/>

The Data Science PhD is aimed at educating the new generation of 
researchers and innovators combining their disciplinary competences with 
those of a “data scientist”, able to exploit data and models for 
advancing knowledge and fostering innovation in their own fields, or 
across diverse fields.

The Data Science PhD develops a mix of knowledge and skills on the 
methods and technologies for the management of large, heterogeneous and 
complex data, for data sensing (how to harvest data), for data analysis 
and mining (how to make sense of data), for data visualization and 
storytelling (how to narrate data), for understanding the 
digital ethics and the social impact of Data Science.

The PhD students will have the opportunity of developing data science 
projects in a variety of domains, including:

  * Data science for society and policy
  * Data science for economics and finance
  * Data science for culture and the humanities
  * Data science for industry and manufacturing
  * Data science for biology and health
  * Data science for the hard and environmental sciences
  * Data science ethics and legal aspects
  * Data science techniques and methods

Applications from graduate students from any discipline are welcome. The 
successful candidate is expected to possess a solid motivation and 
personal preparation, and a strong propensity towards quantitative 
studies in own field.

***  Deadline for applications: February 28th, 2018 ***
***  More information on the international board of scientists and the 
offered courses: http://datasciencephd.eu
          Apply online at: http://phd.sns.it/data-science/​
Dino Pedreschi
KDD Lab | Dip. di Informatica | Università di Pisa
& ISTI | CNR | Pisa | Italy
www.di.unipi.it/~pedre <http://www.di.unipi.it/%7Epedre> | 
  dino.pedreschi a unipi.it

Monica Pratesi

Full Professor of Statistics
holder of the Jean Monnet Chair
“Small Area Methods for Monitoring of Poverty and Living Conditions in EU”

Department of Economics and Management
University of Pisa
tel: +39 (0)50 2216 252
fax: +39 (0)50 2216 375
http://unimap.unipi.it/cercapersone/dettaglio.php ri=4328&template=dettaglio.tpl

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