[Forum SIS] DEC Statistics seminars - September 14

Raffaella Piccarreta raffaella.piccarreta a unibocconi.it
Ven 8 Set 2017 13:48:45 CEST

Dear all, 

We are glad to announce the next DEC - Statistics Seminars 

Thursday, September 14 

11:30 Meeting room 3.e4.sr03, Via Roentgen 1, 3rd floor 

Miguel de Carvalho (The University of Edinburgh) 

Bayesian Flexible Modeling for Families of Random Densities 

12:30 Meeting room 3.e4.sr03, Via Roentgen 1, 3rd floor 

Vanda Inācio de Carvalho (The University of Edinburgh) 

Nonparametric Bayesian regression analysis of the Youden index 

Kind regards, 

Raffaella Piccarreta and Isadora Antoniano 

The DEC statistics seminars schedule is available at http://www.unibocconi.eu/statseminar 


If you are a guest and you do not have a Bocconi ID Card to access to the Bocconi Buildings, please confirm your participation by sending an email to simona.gagino a unibocconi.it 
In addition, we suggest to print, fill out and send the attached form (to give your consent to personal data handling) via email to the same address. In this way, the check-in procedure at the entrance will be faster and easier. 

Raffaella Piccarreta 
Associate Professor - Statistics 
DEC - Department of Decision Sciences, 
Universita' L.Bocconi, via Guglielmo Röntgen 1 (3rd floor, room D1-09). 20136, Milano. 
email: piccarreta a unibocconi.it 
tel. +39-02-58365659 / fax +39-02-58365630 

Web page (ENGLISH VERSION): http://faculty.unibocconi.eu/raffaellapiccarreta/ 
(ITALIAN VERSION): http://faculty.unibocconi.it/raffaellapiccarreta/ 

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