[Forum SIS] Reminder - First Italian Workshop of Econometrics and Empirical Economics: Panel Data Models and Applications

Stefano stefano.fachin a uniroma1.it
Ven 8 Set 2017 10:36:12 CEST

SIdE is pleased to announce the First Italian Workshop of Econometrics 
and Empirical Economics (IWEEE): Panel Data Models and Applications, 
which will take place on

January 25th-26th, 2018, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

The workshop//focuses on methodological advances and innovative 
applications of state-of-the-art econometric methods for panel data. 
With the increasing availability of longitudinal datasets, such methods 
are becoming standard and essential tools in applied research. 
Nonetheless, panel data econometrics is continuously undergoing 
theoretical advances and finding new fields of application. The 
workshopwelcomes the presentation of theoretical and applied papers 
developing and/or applying micro- and macro-panel data econometric 
methods in the form of oral presentations and posters.

Keynote speakers:Prof. Manuel Arellano (CEMFI, Madrid); Prof. Marco 
Lippi (EIEF, Rome).

Conference webpage:http://www.iweee2018.it/

Econometric Reviews - conference special issue: A selection of papers 
will be considered for possible publication in a special issue of 
Econometric Reviews. Submission details will be posted in due time on 
the conference website.

Financial support for young participants: Limited financial support for 
young researchers will be available upon formal application. Funded 
visiting research opportunities (1 month), at key research Italian 
institutions belonging to the SIdE network, are also foreseen.

Submission of papers: Papers can be submitted electronically in pdf 
format (with a limit of one paper per submitter) to the email address: 
iweee2018 a gmail.com <mailto:iweee2018 a gmail.com>. The deadline for 
submissions is September 30th, 2017. The decision notification date is 
November 18th, 2017.

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