[Forum SIS] Call for papers ASA Conference

Berni Rossella berni a disia.unifi.it
Ven 24 Mar 2017 08:35:01 CET

Dear All,

I am attacching to this email the call for papers
related to the  Scientific Conference on:
*"Statistical Methods and Models for Classifying, Choosing and **
**Experimenting Food and Wine".
  7-9 September, 2017
26 June 2017: deadline for contribute papers’ abstract
17 July 2017: abstract acceptation and deadline for early bird reduced 
fees accreditation

For further details see the attachment.

Other basic information on the conference can be found at the following 

Emails can be sent to the following address:
_statfood2017 a unina.it_

Rossella Berni

Rossella Berni

Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica,
Applicazioni "G.Parenti"- DiSIA
Viale Morgagni 59
50134 Firenze
Telefono       +39 055 275-1594
Fax	       +39 055 2751525
E-mail      berni a disia.unifi.it

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