Paolo Giudici paolo.giudici a unipv.it
Mar 18 Apr 2017 08:53:35 CEST

Ciao Carlo, thank you very much for your contribution, on which I mostly
I have two remarks.

1. Where do "Machine Learning" fit into your picture? Perhaps along
"pattern recognition"? or "computational statistics"

2. I do not believe that ONE "data science" discipline exist but rather,
than many "DATA SCIENCES" disciplines do, depending on the underlying
domain knowledge.For example we may have "Social data science" "Economics
data science" "Financial data science" "Medical data science".  Within this
perspective, STATISTICS maintains its "existence" as the logic of
(learning) in data science, and COMPUTER SCIENCE the "operational" language
by which such logic is implemented.

Looking forward to the debate,
Paolo Giudici

Paolo Giudici
Professor of Statistics and Data Science

Il giorno 14 aprile 2017 18:01, Carlo Lauro <clauro a unina.it> ha scritto:

> Data Science aims to transform data into actionable knowledge to perform
> predictions as well to support and validate decisions.
> Computer Science represents the language of the Data Science whereas
> Statistics is the Logic of the Data Science itself.
> However, in this process the domain expertise constitutes the catalytic
> element in the absence of which the transformation can not be achieved
> ---------
> Sto organizzando una tavola rotonda per la prossima riunione della Sis a
> Firenze sul tema LET'S TALK ABOUT DATA SCIENCE, in un momento in cui la
> Statistica viene spesso posta in discussione dai cosiddetti Data Scientist.
> Vi propongo la mia definizione e una grafica che in cui prospetto il ruolo
> della nostra disciplina.
> Mi piacerebbe ottenere una vostra opinione o una vostra definizione o se
> ne avete una preferita tra le tante proposte in letteratura e poterne
> discutere insieme in questo forum.
> Ringraziandovi per l attenzione colgo l'occasione per augurarvi una Santa
> e serena Pasqua
>    Carlo Lauro
> Prifessore Emerito di Statistica
> Università di Napoli Federico Ii
> carlo.lauro a unina.it
> Inviato da TypeApp <http://www.typeapp.com/r?b=9447>
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