[Forum SIS] Avviso di seminario: Btler a DISMEQ (Dipartimento di Statististica e Metodi Quantitativi, Milano-Bicocca)

Fulvia Pennoni fulvia.pennoni a unimib.it
Mar 8 Set 2015 10:03:31 CEST

Dipartimento di Statistica e Metodi Quantitativi
Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8 - 20126 Milano


Adam Butler
Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland (BioSS)

Lunedì  14 Settembre ore 14.30  Ed. U7  IV piano (4° piano, 4026)


Spatial ecology is concerned with studying the spatial distributions of species
and with attempting to understand the processes which underlay these distributions.
Spatial ecology is of substantial applied interest because it provides a potential
basis for evaluating the ecological impacts of human activities - such as the construction
of offshore wind farms.
Diverse forms of data - which include manually recorded data such as species atlases
and automated data such as GPS tags - are used to study the distribution of species,
and these present interesting statistical challenges. In this talk we outline four key challenges
– inhomogeneous detection, disentangling spatial trends from temporal trends, modelling the
impact of human interventions, and choosing the optimal settings to
use for automated data collection - and illustrate some
potential solutions to each of these issues.


Si allega la locandina.

Cordiali saluti

Fulvia Pennoni

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