[Forum SIS] DEC Seminar - April 30th

Raffaella Piccarreta raffaella.piccarreta a unibocconi.it
Ven 24 Apr 2015 14:32:49 CEST

Dear all, we are glad to announce the next DEC statistics seminar. 
Regards, Raffaella 

DEC - Statistics Seminar 
Università Bocconi, 
Room 3-E4-SR03 
Via Rontgen 1 - 3rd floor 
Time: 12:30pm 

The DEC seminar schedule is available at http://www.unibocconi.eu/statseminar 

Thursday, April 30th 

Marco Carone 
(University of Washington) 

"Summarizing the association between disease onset and survival under cross-sectional sampling" 


In this work, we study a framework for summarizing the association between disease onset and survival. Usual models for bivariate times generally quantify departures from independence between the two times. If these times have a constrained sum, such as in the case of age at disease onset and residual lifetime from onset, model parameters may fail to have an appealing interpretation. To provide an interpretable description of the association between disease onset and survival, we construct and study a novel semiparametric model. Using the idea of targeted maximum likelihood estimation, we then consider estimation and inference for parameters based on this model using survival data obtained through a cross-sectional survey with follow-up. The data generated by this common epidemiological design are subject to systematic biases. We infer the association between dementia and the residual lifetime of Canadian elderly individuals using data from the Canadian Study of Health and Aging. 

Raffaella Piccarreta 
DEC - Department of Decision Sciences, 
Universita' L.Bocconi, via Guglielmo Röntgen 1 (3rd floor, room D1-09). 20136, Milano. 
email: piccarreta a unibocconi.it 
tel. +39-02-58365659 / fax +39-02-58365630 

Web page (ENGLISH VERSION): http://faculty.unibocconi.eu/raffaellapiccarreta/ 
(ITALIAN VERSION): http://faculty.unibocconi.it/raffaellapiccarreta/ 
Dai il tuo 5x1000 alla Bocconi: aiuta a studiare chi merita, anche quando non puo'.
CF 80024610158.

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