[Forum SIS] Reminder - Call for papers: Workshop “Multivariate Techniques for the Analysis of Network Data” – November 13, 2014 – University of Salerno (Italy)

Statlab- UNISA statlab a unisa.it
Ven 5 Set 2014 13:50:39 CEST


International Workshop

“Multivariate Techniques for the Analysis of Network Data”

November 13, 2014 

Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Salerno (Italy)

website: http://www.dises.unisa.it/seminari_eventi




 Deadline for title and abstract submission: September 28, 2014


The one-day International Workshop on “Multivariate Techniques for the Analysis of Network Data” will be held on November 13, 2014 at the University of Salerno (Italy).

The workshop aims at presenting the most relevant methodological results and applications in the use of multivariate techniques for the analysis of network data.

We are very pleased to announce as keynote speaker:

*	Stanley Wasserman, Rudy Professor of Statistics, Psychology, and Sociology, Department of Statistics, Indiana University 

The organizing committee is soliciting abstracts for paper presentation dealing with network analysis related to the workshop topic. Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words.

Authors who wish to submit a contributed paper should send a title and a short abstract, by September 28, 2014, sending an email to  <mailto:mvitale a unisa.it> mvitale a unisa.it.

Registration fees:

Workshop registration fees: 50,00€. Payment details will be available soon on the workshop website.

The Workshop is free of charge for graduate and Ph.D students but registration is compulsory due to organization tasks.

Organizer committee:


Statlab group- Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Salerno (Italy)



To register and information


Contact person


Maria Prosperina Vitale

Department of Statistics and Economics

University of Salerno (Italy)

Phone: +39 089 962211

e-mail:  <mailto:mvitale a unisa.it> mvitale a unisa.it


Key deadlines:

- September 28, 2014: Title and Abstract submission

- October 12, 2014: Acceptance notification 

- October 26, 2014: Registration



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