[Forum SIS] Seminar

Simone Padoan simone.padoan a unibocconi.it
Mer 7 Maggio 2014 08:52:03 CEST

Dear All,
We are glad to announce the following talk


DEC - Statistics Seminar - Università Bocconi,

Wednesday, May 9th, 2014, 

Room 5-E4-SR04, Via Rontgen 1 - 5th floor

Time: 3:30pm

(The complete DEC seminars schedule is available at             


Konstantina Palla (University of Cambridge)


"Research agenda in Bayesian nonparametric modelling"


In this talk I will present my work on Bayesian nonparametric modelling. More specifically, I will present nonparametric models for relational data, clustering and reversible Markov chains. Examples of applications are social networks for relational modelling, gene expression analysis for clustering and ion channel patch clamp recordings for reversible Hidden Markov models (HMMs). I will conclude my talk by presenting proposals that exemplify my research agenda over the coming years and include the construction of a Birth-Death process for feature allocation data and the construction of random graphs using completely random measures.


Dr. Simone Padoan, PhD.
Assistant Professor

Department of Decision Sciences
Bocconi University of Milan
via Roentgen, 1 20136 Milano - Italy
tel. +39 02 5836 5368
Email: simone.padoan a unibocconi.it
Webpage: http://faculty.unibocconi.it/simonepadoan

Dai il tuo 5x1000 alla Bocconi: aiuta a studiare chi merita, anche quando non puo'.
CF 80024610158.

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