[Forum SIS] Seminar

Simone Padoan simone.padoan a unibocconi.it
Sab 8 Mar 2014 08:53:12 CET

Dear All,
We are glad to announce the following talk

Thursday, March 13th, 2014, 
DEC - Statistics Seminar - Università Bocconi,
Room 3-E4-SR03, Via Rontgen 1 - 3rd floor
Time: 12:30pm

(The complete DEC seminars schedule is available at             


Fabrizio Leisen, University of Kent


Exchangeable Occupancy Models and Discrete Processes with the Generalized Uniform Order Statistics Property


This talk focuses on Exchangeable Occupancy Models (EOM) and their relations with the Uniform Order Statistics Property (UOSP) for counting processes in discrete time. As our main purpose, we show how definitions and results presented in Shaked, Spizzichino and Suter (2004) can be unified and generalized in the context of exchangeable occupancy models. We first show some general facts about EOM's. Then we introduce a class of EOM's, called $\mathcal{M}^{(a)}$-models, that is used for generalizing the notion of Uniform Order Statistics Property. For processes with this property, we prove a general characterization result. Finally, some interesting transformations of EOM's will be discussed. This talk is based on joint works with Francesca Collet, Fabio Spizzichino and Florentina Suter.


Dr. Simone Padoan, PhD.
Assistant Professor

Department of Decision Sciences
Bocconi University of Milan
via Roentgen, 1 20136 Milano - Italy
tel. +39 02 5836 5368
Email: simone.padoan a unibocconi.it
Webpage: http://faculty.unibocconi.it/simonepadoan

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