[Forum SIS] Seminar

Simone Padoan simone.padoan a unibocconi.it
Sab 1 Mar 2014 12:02:28 CET

Dear All,
We are glad to announce the following talk

Thursday, March 6th, 2014, 
DEC - Statistics Seminar - Università Bocconi,
Room 3-E4-SR03, Via Rontgen 1 - 3rd floor
Time: 12:30pm

(The complete DEC seminars schedule is available at             


Giovanni Peccati, University of Luxembourg


Beating log-Sobolev, one Stein factor at a time


Motivated by second order limit theorems arising in the analysis of Gaussian subordinated time series, I will present a new set of functional inequalities involving the following four parameters associated with a given multidimensional distribution: the relative entropy, the relative Fisher information, the 2-Wasserstein distance, and the Stein discrepancy (which naturally appears in the well-known Stein's method for normal approximations). Our results improve the classical log-Sobolev inequality, as well Talagrand's transport inequality. Joint works with M. Ledoux (Toulouse), I. Nourdin (Luxembourg) and Y. Swan (Liège).


Dr. Simone Padoan, PhD.
Assistant Professor

Department of Decision Sciences
Bocconi University of Milan
via Roentgen, 1 20136 Milano - Italy
tel. +39 02 5836 5368
Email: simone.padoan a unibocconi.it
Webpage: http://faculty.unibocconi.it/simonepadoan

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