Caterina Pisani caterina.pisani a unisi.it
Mer 10 Apr 2013 12:11:45 CEST



The Third ITAlian Conference on Survey Methodology

@University of Milan-Bicocca

June, 26-28 2013


webpage: http://www.statistica.unimib.it/itacosm13/

email: info.itacosm13 a statistica.unimib.it



included in the conference registration
(early registration now open - increased registration fees apply after 
April 30, 2013)

Tuesday 25.06.2013
h. 9:00 – 18:00
Building U7, 2nd floor, Room “De Lillo”

Sampling strategies for domains estimation
S.Falorsi and P. Righi, ISTAT

Topics include:
Sampling designs and domains of estimate
Multiway sampling design
Multivariate and multi domain sampling allocation criteria
Optimal sampling allocation algorithms
Dmain estimation methods
Small domain estimation methods
Design based estimators (Model based estimators, Diagnostic criteria and 
comparative analysis)
Integrated strategies for domain estimation
Examples with applications of R software tools

Wednesday 26.06.2013
h. 10:00 – 12:00
Building U7, 2nd floor, Room “De Lillo”

Hints about how to write&present effectively a statistical paper

How to present a paper
M. G. Ranalli, Univ. of Perugia

Presentations at conferences can sometimes be ineffective in conveying 
the most important contribution of a research or worse, they can seem 
inaccurate or even boring. On the other hand, effective presentations 
are able to attract the attention of the audience and, therefore, make 
learning, interactions and scientific advances more likely. My 
contribution will try to provide tips for helping in the preparation and 
presentation of a talk. The focus will be on content organization, a 
good use of time, effective display and presentation, with a particular 
emphasis to presenting in a language different from his own.

How to write a paper
D. Cocchi, Univ. of Bologna
The ways of writing an article about statistics can be many. The 
innovative part of the content, scope, relevance of data, and the 
potential audience are able to make a difference. The choice of the 
distance along which developing the contribution, together with the 
decision about the route of publication, are influential in the 
drafting. Each paper must contain essentially an idea, even if this has 
been developed in several aspects. A document may be conceived from data 
analysis or from an entirely theoretical idea, but either way it needs 
to be accompanied by a simulation. Papers motivated by an empirical 
problem should pay more attention to the consequences for potential 
readers, who do not necessarily share a background in statistics.

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