[Forum SIS] Consulenti per la the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

Carfagna Elisabetta elisabetta.carfagna a unibo.it
Mer 10 Apr 2013 10:33:50 CEST

Cari Colleghi,

Vi scrivo nel mio attuale ruolo di Research Coordinator of the Global
Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (
http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/i3082e/i3082e.pdf ).

Svolgo questo ruolo presso la FAO, che sta guidando l’implementazione della
Global Strategy.

Avrei bisogno di reclutare prima possibile esperti nelle seguenti tematiche:

·         Improving the use of  GPS, GIS and RS for setting up a master
sampling frame (da completare entro il 2013, gli altri da completare entro
il 2014)

·         Identifying the most appropriate area frame for specific
landscape types

·         Improvement of estimation of crop area, yield and production

·         Improving methods for estimating crop area, yield,  production of
mixed crops, repeated and continuous cropping

·         Developing methods for estimating yields of root crops

·         Developing more efficient and accurate methods for using remote

·         Evaluating the cost-efficiency of remote sensing in developing

·         Improving the quality of administrative data

·         Developing more efficient and more robust methods for using
administrative data

·         Integrate small scale fishery and aquaculture in master sampling

·         Developing robust and statistically based methods for spatial
disaggregation and for integration of  various kinds of geographical
information and geo-referenced survey data

·         Improving methods for estimating livestock and livestock products.

Potete trovare maggiore dettaglio nel capitolo 7 (Research plan)
dell’Action Plan of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural
Statistics (http://www.fao.org/docrep/016/i3082e/i3082e.pdf).

Trovate sotto l’ elenco delle attività da svolgere per ciascun tema di

Sarebbe preferibile che tali consulenti potessero trascorrere vari giorni
alla FAO a Roma e a Ispra, per i temi di ricerca per i quali `e prevista la
collaborazione con il Joint Research Centre di Ispra:

·         Improving the use of GPS, GIS and Remote Sensing for setting up a
master sampling frame

·         Identifying the most appropriate area frame for specific
landscape types

·         Evaluating the cost efficiency of remote sensing in developing

·         Developing robust and statistically based methods for spatial
disaggregation and for integration of various kinds of geographical
information and geo-referenced survey data.

Inoltre, la FAO sta per pubblicare un bando per un posto a progetto P2
statistician - research officer, per 2 anni con possibilità`a di estensione
(probabilmente per 4 anni complessivi). Questa persona avrà il compito di
supportarmi nello svolgimento e nel coordinamento delle attività di
ricerca. Poiché’e la procedura di selezione richiede tempo, ho bisogno di
un consulente che lavori stabilmente alla FAO che svolga questo compito
subito. In particolare, il consulente dovrebbe avere competenze specifiche
nel campionamento (anche areale) nelle statistiche agricole, nella
statistica spaziale e nell’ uso di dati tele rilevati.

Vi prego di inviare i vostri messaggi all’ indirizzo
elisabetta.carfagna a fao.org.

Vi ringrazio e vi rivolgo cari saluti,
Elisabetta Carfagna



*Output/ Activity *


*Output 1: Report on ongoing or already completed research activities, on
the review of relevant literature, on the gaps analysis and remaining
methodological issues and on the proposed solutions***


Activity 1.1 Collect information on the ongoing or already completed
research activities


Activity 1.2 Identify possible partner institutions


Activity 1.3 Prepare the contracts for the partners


Activity 1.4  Coordinate the activities of the partners


Activity 1.5 Facilitate networking among the partners


Activity 1.6 Identify the relevant literature


Activity 1.7 Review the literature


Activity 1.8 Identify and analyse gaps and remaining methodological issues
and propose possible solutions


Activity 1.9 Prepare a draft report on ongoing or already completed
research activities, literature review, gaps, remaining methodological
issues and possible solutions


Activity 1.10 Organize a workshop on ongoing or already completed research
activities, literature review, gaps, remaining methodological issues and
possible solutions


*Output* *Empirical studies designed and field-tested by the relevant
technical partner institutions***


Activity 2.1 Design studies for the field tests


Activity 2.2 Set up the methodology and the instruments (questionnaires,
manuals, etc.).


Activity 2.3 Select the countries and the samples for the experiments


Activity 2.4 Conduct the field tests


*Technical reports on the findings and recommendations for possible
solutions to methodological issues prepared, peer reviewed, and validated
by experts***


Activity 3.1 Process and analyse the results


Activity 3.2 Prepare a report on the findings and recommend possible
solutions to issues


Activity 3.3 Select the experts for the peer review and expert validation


Activity 3.4 Submit the reports prepared to the experts


Activity 3.5 Undertake peer review and expert validation through a
technical workshop


*Methodological publications and dissemination of results***


Activity 4.1 Analyse the results of the peer review and the expert


Activity 4.2 Prepare and submit methodological papers to important journals


Activity 4.3 Organize a dissemination workshop with countries and other


Activity 4.4 Disseminate the findings on the Web


*Methodological basis for the guidelines for advanced technical assistance
and training  ***


Activity 5.1 Prepare the methodological basis for the guidelines and
handbooks for advanced technical assistance and training


Elisabetta Carfagna

Full Professor of Statistics

University of Bologna

Department of Statistical Sciences

Mobile +39 329 4131226
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