[Forum SIS] Corso "Evaluation and improvement of survey questions using Survey Quality Prediction (SQP)", RECSM, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Bruno Arpino bruno.arpino a upf.edu
Lun 4 Giu 2012 20:05:00 CEST

Hello everybody,

We would like to inform you that registration for the course "Evaluation and improvement of survey questions using Survey Quality Prediction (SQP)" is open.  

The course will be taught by Melanie Revilla, Diana Zavala, and Willem Saris, researchers at RECSM-UPF.  It will take place on July 2-3, 2012, at the Ciutadella Campus of Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. The language of instruction will be English.

You will find complete information regarding the course, including its program and registration procedure at the following links:


http://www.upf.edu/survey/_pdf/course_SQP_2012.pdf (in .pdf format)

The course is directed to anyone involved and/or interested in questionnaire design and survey research in general, especially experts coming from survey research commercial firms, and students of political science, sociology, psychology and economics. A maximum of 40 people can participate. Participants will be admitted on a first-come first-serve basis: the first 40 people who sign up and pay the registration fee will be accepted.  The deadline for registration is June 22, 2012.

For any questions about the course, its program, or its registration procedure, feel free to contact us at recsm a upf.edu.

Best regards,

Bruno Arpino

Bruno Arpino 
Department of Political and Social Sciences and RECSM
Universitat Pompeu Fabra 
C/Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27 
08005 Barcelona 
bruno.arpino a upf.edu
0034 93542 2366 

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