[Forum SIS] seminario di Mike Wiper all'IMATI

Antonella Bodini anto a mi.imati.cnr.it
Mar 3 Lug 2012 09:41:30 CEST

Giovedi' 5 luglio, alle ore 14.30 presso la sede di Milano dell'IMATI,
in via Bassini 15, aula A,
Mike Wiper, dell'Universita' Carlo III di Madrid terra' il seminario

*A new stochastic model for bacterial growth curves *

Abstract: In this talk, we introduce a new model for bacterial growth
curves which is a stochastic version of the Gompertz curve. We examine
the properties of this model and show that it can be used to simulate
real listeria growth curves. Finally, we introduce two approaches to
Bayesian inference for our model: the first based on a Gibbs sampler and
the second based on approximate Bayesian computation.
This is a joint work with Ana Paula Palacios and Juan Miguel Marín

Queste informazioni sono anche disponibili alla pagina web

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.


Dott. Antonella Bodini 					
Via Bassini 15, 20133 Milano (Italy)	  		  					

tel   +39 02 23699524
fax   +39 02 23699538 

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