[Forum SIS] Short course "Statistical methods for policy evaluation and causal inference in observational studies" at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona

bruno.arpino bruno.arpino a upf.edu
Mer 22 Feb 2012 16:31:58 CET

COURSE: "Statistical methods for policy evaluation and causal inference in observational studies"

Date: March 28-29, 2012, from 10h00-13h00 and 14h00-17h00.

Place: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Campus de la Ciutadella. Barcelona, Spain.

Instructor: Bruno Arpino, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and member of RECSM.

This course will discuss assumptions and methods for the estiamtion of causal effects using the Potential Outcome approach (also known as Rubin Causal Model). Both theoretical and applied perspectives on the covered topics will be offered to participants. Examples will be drawn from economics, political science, sociology, public health and policy evaluation. A lab session will be organized during the second day of the course to demonstrate the implementation of some of the covered techniques in Stata.

This course is complemented by the seminar "Causal inference for policy evaluation: case studies and statistical complications", where applications of real policy evaluation studies will be presented and some complications (spill-over effects, continuous treatments) will be discussed. The seminar will take place on March 30, 2012 at Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

For detailed information and registration:


Bruno Arpino 
Department of Political and Social Sciences 
Universitat Pompeu Fabra 
Carrer Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27 
08005 Barcelona 
bruno.arpino a upd.edu (mailto:bruno.arpino a upd.edu) 
0034 93542 2366 

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