[Forum SIS] Statistica&Applicazioni, vol. VIII, 2, 2010 now available!

Statistica&Applicazioni stateap a eco.unibs.it
Mar 15 Mar 2011 10:57:50 CET

Dear colleagues,
I am pleased to announce that the latest issue of 
Statistica&Applicazioni, Volume VIII, no.2, 2010 is now available (see 
Contents below).
The next issues will be edited by Prof. Eugenio Brentari, the new Editor 
in Chief.
Best regards,
Prof. Aride Mazzali


G. De Luca, A. Carfora
/A binary time series model with a long memory structure/

G. Srinivasa Rao
/A group acceptance sampling plans for lifetimes following a 
Marshall-Olkin extended Weibull distribution/

P. Cerchiello, E. Dequarti, P. Giudici, C. Magni
/Scorecard models to evaluate perceived quality of academic teaching/

W. Abu-Dayyeh, A.S.S. Dorvlo, O. Al-Saidy
/Estimation of ? = P(X>Y) using ranked set sampling/

M. Mazziotta, A. Pareto
/Measuring quality of life: an approach based on the 
non-substitutability of indicators/

M.R. Sebastiani
/Measuring the demographic convergence of the European populations by a 
normalized variability index/

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