[Forum SIS] Summer School on Statistical Experimental Design: Pre - registration now open.

Alessandra Giovagnoli alessandra.giovagnoli a unibo.it
Gio 17 Feb 2011 10:26:57 CET

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Organization of the "Summer School on Statistical Experimental Design" (http://areaestadistica.uclm.es/s3ed/), we would like to provide you with some key information about the event.

Date and place of celebration: From the 7th to 10th of June, 2011 in Almagro, Ciudad Real (Spain).

Purpose: The aim is to bring together postgraduate students and young scholars, and to provide an adequate environment to acquire basic as well as advanced techniques in the field of Statistical Experimental Design.

Structure: It consists of four courses and two plenary talks covering different areas of expertise in the field of Statistical Experimental Design, each of one including the participation of international guest researchers.

Target group: The "Summer School on Statistical Experimental Design" covers a wide range of target groups, ranging from master students, PhD students, PhD candidates, to researchers in general willing to update their knowledge and skills in the field of Statistical Experimental Design.

Pre-registration is now open until March 15th.

Full information can be found at http://areaestadistica.uclm.es/s3ed/.

Please do not hesitate to forward this invitation to other colleagues for whom the "Summer School on Statistical Experimental Design" may be of interest.

We look forward to welcoming you in Almagro.

Best regards,

  Professor Jesús López Fidalgo. (Chair)


      Optimum Experimental Design Group
      Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha
      Ciudad Real, Spain


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