[Forum SIS] IRVAPP Special Seminar

Nadir Zanini nzanini a irvapp.it
Lun 15 Mar 2010 17:32:35 CET

The National Educational Panel Study
Relatore:          Hans-Peter Blossfeld (Universitat Bamberg)
Data:            mercoledi 24 marzo ore 10.00
Luogo:                 IRVAPP / Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Via S. Croce 77- Trento
The National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) consists of an interdisciplinary excellence network of researchers from various disciplines headed by Prof. Blossfeld from the University of Bamberg. The Institute for Longitudinal Educational Research Bamberg (INBIL) is responsible for setting up and coordinating the project as well as collecting, archiving and disseminating the data. It will also offer training courses for NEPS users.The target activity of the NEPS is to collect longitudinal data on the development of competencies, educational processes, educational decisions, and returns to education in formal, non formal, and informal contexts throughout the life span. As soon as possible, all NEPS data will be made available to the national and international scientific community in the form of a so-called anonymous Scientific Use File. This will provide a rich source of potential analyses for the various disciplines (like demographics, educational science, economics, psychology, sociology) concerned with educational and training processes, and it will provide the basis for major improvements in educational reporting and the provision of expert advice for policymakers in Germany.
La presentazione sarà in lingua inglese.
Chiediamo la cortesia a quanti intendono partecipare al seminario di segnalare la loro presenza contattando la dott.ssa Francesca Zantomio al seguente indirizzo di posta elettronica zantomio a irvapp.it<mailto:zantomio a irvapp.it> entro lunedi 22 marzo.

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